President meets with newsmen in National Press Day

id berita lampung terkini,, presidsent meets with newsmen in national press day, lampung

President meets with newsmen in National Press Day

Presiden Joko Widodo (kiri) menerima jaket media dari Ketua Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Pusat Margiono (kanan) saat acara Silaturahim Pers Nasional di Jakarta, Senin (27/4). ANTARA FOTO/Yudhi Mahatma

This forum is very important for me as I get to hear the views and ideas of the national press," he said.
Jakarta (ANTARA Lampung) - President Joko Widodo met with newsmen here on Monday in connection with the National Press Day on February 9.

"This forum is very important for me as I get to hear the views and ideas of the national press," he said at the meeting.

He noted the meeting was also important to deepen the relations between the press and the government with regard to disseminating public information.

According to the president, criticisms from the media served as a supervision of the government's tasks to improve the welfare of the people.

"Strong criticisms are good for control (and) I believe that with them, priority programs carried out by the government and expected by the people can be done well," he added.

President Joko Widodo said the Indonesian people must feel grateful to be living in the era of press freedom, which promotes debate.

"Debate is part of a maturing democracy. Sometimes it can be tiring, but we must pass through it," he stressed.

On the occasion, President Joko Widodo received a white jacket with "Media Darling" written on it from the Indonesian Journalists' Association as a symbol of the media's adoration of him.(Ant)